Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time flies when you're building stuff...

I can't believe its been since April 5th that we've posted here, and not much has been done with the site either. Now that we are devoting more time full-time to sites like this we've got some cool features coming.

Namely a rebuild.

Yeah, hasn't been around for that long, but we got so many articles together so fast that we quickly expanded beyond the initial basic platform we built. So, we've put together a article db system that we'll be rolling out soon. We hope to have several thousand articles on there by launch and more to follow.

We've got the new site up in beta right now and will be rolling it out soon.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

HDTVs, LCD, Plasma, DLP and more...

I'm a big electronics buff. I love HD, I love a sweet surround system, I hate wires, I hate actually seeing any of it (other than the TV).

Back in the day (ok... about a decade ago or so) we were in the days of the Hi-Fi. The bigger your stereo, the more lights and moving bars and things that you could get to flash with the music the better. I was in on that, though I did like my stuff to blend in somewhat. These days the fewer wires, flashing things and visible components, the better.

My current setup has no components in the livingroom, except for the speakers and the TV. Every single thing (xbox, wii, comcast hd box, stereo, computer, etc...) are all in the next room. The TV is mounted to the wall and the wires run through the wall behind it. The speaker wires come through a lower hole in the wall. I got an RF universal remote that works through the wall and I'm all set.

I tell you this, not so that you'll think I'm a TV/Sound System snob, but so that you'll know that I have a bit of experience and knowledge about this stuff. That's not to say that I'm an expert in every facet. I'm a learn by experience sort of guy, though one has to temper that with some book knowledge as I cant really afford to buy a projector, DLP, LCD, Plasma and rear projection system to experience which is best.

But I do attempt to experience them as much as possible. I also have a fairly good understanding of of things like lumens, angle of view, reflectivity, and contrast ratios. I buy things based on the stats, but also based on reviews. Because let's face it, the stats can lie, the specs can be misleading, and collected under ideal, impossible to replicate, conditions. Reviews are the temperance for stats and specs and without them you simply can't make a good decision.

Of course, one needs to temper reviews as well. Most quality control strives to keep things well under 0.1% defects (I'd bet that even that would be pretty high). But if you sell a million of something, thats 10,000 lemons you just dumped on the market. If even 0.1% of those folks get pissed and hit the net and write a bad review, you've got a lot of bad reviews. Usually if the customer support is good, most people will write a review saying they got a lemon, customer support got them set with a replacement, the replacement was good and they were happy.

To my thinking, thats almost better than a straight good review. Lets face it, there are lemons in every product line from every manufacturer. It just happens. Its pretty important to know that if you get saddled with a dud, you're going to get taken care of. The alternative just really sucks.

So with that long-winded ramble now spat out onto the page, I'm letting you know that we're putting together 2 new sites. The first is, which we are populating with articles about HDTV that seem informative, usefull and will help the newbie and maybe let the old hands know something they didn't as well. The second is That site is focused on 1080p, what it is and where the best prices on it are. It also features some articles off of the first site as well. Right now its pretty light on the content and has an annoying widget that I'd made to show some of the lowest 1080p televisions on that site, but I think I'll nix that in favor of more text.

I've also gathered up a few thousand reviews which I am filtering down for 1080p and then putting up. The next step is to really dive into the differenece between LCD, DLP, Plasma etc... because the conventional wisdom of a few years ago doesn't really apply anymore and even if you researched the heck out of the whole scene in 2005, things need another look now.

So with that, I bid you farewell, check out the sites, and be sure to have a look at to search the web for HDTVs and sort by price

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sneaking In....

Hopefully I snuck in quiet enough so my husband won't see me. He keeps mentioning how it's unusual for their to be a co-blogger-blogging. I came across this when using Stumble, which is a really cool system for finding sites you'd never find on your own. This is a little video.

Tiger vs Man = Tiger Wins

Monday, March 31, 2008

New Topic Site!

We've launched a new topic site:! There are over 140 articles up there and we're dedicated to getting more content and more targeted information.

Another thing that we're hooking up for the site is a section with links to the top-rated exercise videos on YouTube. There are hundreds of exercise videos up there, but we'll hook you up with the top rated vids with the highest views and save you the searching.

Check back soon for more info on that.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back on Topic

Just to put an on-topic update/note/bit-o-info up here about, we've got about 28,000 reviews, articles and stuff that we're getting cleaned up for the site. Probably about half of it will be no good, but thats still 14,000 articles, lol.

Naked Couple Video

OK, so they weren't naked, it was a beer video (the youtube video mentioned below).

Crusing along...

You know, it occured to me while I was posting elsewhere today that there aren't that many co-blogs out there. I figured that there may be a reason why this doesn't happen much. At the very least it must cause some ammusing events to occur.

I figured mebbe there'd be a good youtube video or two, so I searched for "Husband and Wife Blog". I sure hope the first result isn't prophetic as it was a video about husband and wife conflict, police, beatings, arrest.... I tried adding the word 'Together' hoping for an ammusing result (or at least one slightly more charmic) and got a video titled 'Husband and wife naked together'. Not funny, but better than beatings and police.

Well, back to work with the help articles stuff. We've gathered close to 30,000 articles and are working on a few tools to get them all in smoothly.