Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crusing along...

You know, it occured to me while I was posting elsewhere today that there aren't that many co-blogs out there. I figured that there may be a reason why this doesn't happen much. At the very least it must cause some ammusing events to occur.

I figured mebbe there'd be a good youtube video or two, so I searched for "Husband and Wife Blog". I sure hope the first result isn't prophetic as it was a video about husband and wife conflict, police, beatings, arrest.... I tried adding the word 'Together' hoping for an ammusing result (or at least one slightly more charmic) and got a video titled 'Husband and wife naked together'. Not funny, but better than beatings and police.

Well, back to work with the help articles stuff. We've gathered close to 30,000 articles and are working on a few tools to get them all in smoothly.

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