Monday, March 31, 2008

New Topic Site!

We've launched a new topic site:! There are over 140 articles up there and we're dedicated to getting more content and more targeted information.

Another thing that we're hooking up for the site is a section with links to the top-rated exercise videos on YouTube. There are hundreds of exercise videos up there, but we'll hook you up with the top rated vids with the highest views and save you the searching.

Check back soon for more info on that.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back on Topic

Just to put an on-topic update/note/bit-o-info up here about, we've got about 28,000 reviews, articles and stuff that we're getting cleaned up for the site. Probably about half of it will be no good, but thats still 14,000 articles, lol.

Naked Couple Video

OK, so they weren't naked, it was a beer video (the youtube video mentioned below).

Crusing along...

You know, it occured to me while I was posting elsewhere today that there aren't that many co-blogs out there. I figured that there may be a reason why this doesn't happen much. At the very least it must cause some ammusing events to occur.

I figured mebbe there'd be a good youtube video or two, so I searched for "Husband and Wife Blog". I sure hope the first result isn't prophetic as it was a video about husband and wife conflict, police, beatings, arrest.... I tried adding the word 'Together' hoping for an ammusing result (or at least one slightly more charmic) and got a video titled 'Husband and wife naked together'. Not funny, but better than beatings and police.

Well, back to work with the help articles stuff. We've gathered close to 30,000 articles and are working on a few tools to get them all in smoothly.

Interesting stuff

As Soyarma so nicely put it, we are hoping to launch an index of articles, and I am 'The wife'.

The wife? I'll have to hit him over the head with a frozen turkey the next time I see him. Oh, there he goes 'wack!'.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, we have been watching the HBO mini series John Adams recently and it's fascinating. If you haven't managed to catch it, you should buy the dvd when it comes out in June. While the story of the birth of our nation has always been interesting, I haven't been so emotionally invested.

Watching it play out on our flat panel television, has been great. And then you think how far things have changed since 1776 when the declaration was signed. Would the founding fathers think we are lazy good for nothings? Would they think all this technology is nothing but 'dark magic and voodoo'? Or would they be fascinated in it as we are in them?

The start of a community

The wife and I met online over ten years ago. Boy, times sure have changed. Back in those days you could only read bulletin boards that you paid for. Now the internet is busting at the seams with information, most of which is free. If you know how to look for it.

But really, who wants to spend all that time looking and fishing if you could go to one place to find everything you're looking for? We figured we'd start with the easy stuff. Shopping, weight loss, even those dreaded bumps on the face known as acne.

On top of that wouldn't it be great if other readers could post articles, or add comments to existing articles. Then if an article really is a load of junk, the next person could be warned.

Everyone is an expert at something. Tell us what yours is.